Organized Insurance Fraud: Unraveling the White-Collar Criminal

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By Constitution State Services
61 minutes

Insurance fraud perpetrators are becoming more organized and far-reaching. By connecting with like-minded people and creating complex networks, they can carry out their crimes while making it increasingly more difficult for law enforcement and insurance companies to identify them.

How our brains reframe unethical behavior

An excerpt from a Travelers and Constitution State Services Webinar: Unraveling the White-Collar Criminal: A Comprehensive Look at the Forces Driving Organized Insurance Fraud. Professor Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University and Co-Director, Institute for Security and Public Policy.

Watch the full replay: A comprehensive look at the forces driving organized insurance fraud

Watch Unraveling the White-Collar Criminal: A Comprehensive Look at the Forces Driving Organized Insurance Fraud, a Travelers and Constitution State Services webinar. Panelists Dr. Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, and Nichole Soriano, Director of Investigative Services at Travelers, dove into cases of organized fraud and explained the mindset of the criminals behind it. They also examined insurance fraud schemes trending today and the latest techniques and technologies for recognizing insurance fraud.

Navigate to these timestamps in the full webinar below:

  • The white-collar fraudster (03:33)
  • Role of corporate culture (08:30)
  • White-collar recession (10:20)
  • Types of insurance fraud (13:33)
  • Typical organized fraud scheme (19:25)
  • Using technology to fight fraud (29:18)
  • Key red flags (34:08)
  • Stressors help justify fraud (35:36)
  • Resolution strategies (41:00)
  • Steps to take (44:54)

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