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Better Data Drives Better Business Decisions

Data and analytics for Constitution State Services

Making connections

Data and analytics have changed the way we manage insurance claims. Our analytics professionals lead innovative, data-driven processes to ensure that decisions are informed by real data. Utilizing your data and claim status information, our insights influence future outcomes.

Innovative tools across the claim life cycle

  • Automated social listening tools search publicly posted content for signs of fraud, including injured workers’ physical activity, employment, prior injuries and more.
  • Medical analytics, including advanced medical invoice auditing, improve accuracy and ease of leveraging data.
  • The Early Severity Predictor® program helps predict potential chronic pain.
  • Attorney analytics assist in anticipating plaintiff attorney tactics, and the use of the tools helps identify resolution strategies.

Risk management information services (RMIS)

With access to your company’s loss information through our dynamic RMIS product e-CARMA®, our team of dedicated RMIS professionals will partner with you to analyze, customize and personalize live claim and financial information. e-CARMA®’s broad data and analytics capability lets you identify trends and assess claim costs and activities easily. Automatic delivery of reports and alerts, along with a guided analysis of your loss experience, helps you make more informed decisions to mitigate your risk. All this plus transparency gives you greater control and better ability to protect your business and strengthen your competitive advantage.

Measurably better results

Ninety-seven percent of customers we survey say our claim services delivered better financial outcomes.1

Workers compensation

  • For every 100 lost-time claims we receive, 21 are sustained as non-compensable. This means that we only pay what is owed, which can help control your overall costs.2
  • Overall medical bill repricing saved 69 cents on every medical dollar billed in 2023.3

General liability

  • Our Claim professionals can help resolve situations quickly and decisively to mitigate losses. Eighty-nine percent of general liability claims we handle are resolved without advancing to suit.4

Commercial auto

  • A 76% subrogation recovery rate achieved compared to the industry’s 21%.5
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1 Travelers and CSS Claim Review Customer and Broker Survey, Jan. 1 - Sept. 30, 2022 

2 Travelers claim data for calendar year 2023 
3 Total savings on medical bills received in calendar year 2023 
4 As of 12/2023, GL claims closed in 2023, excluding incident-only 
5 2022 NASP Benchmark Results 

Learn more about our advantage

Our claim account managers (CAEs) are responsive and proactive. They work to provide clear communications and easy access as needed to critical claim information and specialists in medical, litigation, investigations and subrogation.

How you manage and reduce business risk is critical to your company's success. As a third-party administrator, Constitution State Services brings skilled professionals and innovative tools and resources to help you manage your total cost of risk and strengthen your business advantage.